

俚语 the gummer

The Gummer

A sexual maneuver in which right before the Male ejaculates, the female (or other male) show their sexual partner a picture of Hillary Clinton. The Male will then go soft and the other chews the penis like a gummy worm.
Jesse- Let's do the gummer
Jessica- okay
*shows picture of Hillary Clinton*
Joe Biden, outside the window- Fuck, she's hot


An amazing string of the best leaders to ever be born.
Mathew Gummere is the best leader ever.


no tooth blow job
i got a gummer form a toothless hill billy.


The act of getting oral sex from a young vixen or if your a sick twisted individual, an old lady with no teeth.
I got gummers of that ditch pig in the waffle house parking lot.


a gummer is a hummer(blowjob) that is given by someone that has no teeth/wears dentures(and removes them).
I met this cougar last night and she took me home. When we hopped in bed she removed her false teeth and gave me a gummer. It was 10x better than any old hummer could ever be!


to rub cocaine on your gums, which makes them numb. often used to test the quality of the coke. the number it makes your gum, the better shit it is
ya let me take a gummer to make sure this shits ill before i pay for it


getting head from a girl with no teeth
Vinnie got gummer from a girl with a chew in




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:53:22