

俚语 the hamburglar

The Hamburglar

A person or group of people place a large order of hamburgers from the McDonald's drive-thru menu. Then, after they have paid for them, the driver looks away (preferably placing a wallet or pocketbook in the passenger's seat). While the driver is looking the other way, another person dressed in a black striped outfit runs by the window and grabs the bag of hamburgers from the McDonald's worker. Then the driver asks for his money back or another order, and the group successfully doubles their order of hamburgers.
My friends and I were starving, so we decided to use the hamburglar.

The Hamburglar

A mysterious entity that steals food while being delivered to a customer in the drive-thru, typically at the food chain known for their "Golden Arches"(aka McDonald's). So far he has gotten away with an estimated 25,978 bigmacs, 75,060 kids meals, over 10,800 large sodas, and an estimated $20,000 dollars worth of large fries orders. As an attempt to catch the thief, McDonald's has issued a reward of $2M and a lifetime supply of anything on the dollar menu. His range: anywhere there's a McDonald's.
Sorry, mom. I would have brought some home for you, but the hamburglar took our whole order!

The Hamburglar

1. have your sexual partner grab a handful of ground hamburger (about enough for a hamburger)
2. then he/she proceeds to jack you off with the handful of ground meat.
3. when you are about to ejaculate have him/her cover you dick with the raw meat and allow you to cum in it.
4. she then continues to make the patty and throws it on the grill for a delicious hamburger.

OPTIONAL: He/she can wear a Hamburglar suit while performing this meat-on-meat extravaganza.
All you need to do is make a patty of ground hamburger meat and think about how awesome it feels in your hands... you will yearn for The Hamburglar!! 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

The Hamburglar

see Ben Rothwell
man, did you see the shellacking Ben "The Hamburglar" Rothwell took the other day? that was brutal!


Someone that steals your hamburger(s)
Hamburglar: "Give me all your hamburgers"
Peasant: "No way"


a little 3 foot tall prick that runs around in a cape and mask stealing hamburgers from McDonalds.
"the hamburglar thinks he's so tough stealing all the hamburgers from McDonalds but when i get my hands on that little bastard i'm gonna make him puke up all the hamburgers he ever ate and stole and then eat them myself"


someone that comes along and jacks your burger.
damn that hamburglar just owned me.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:40:24