

俚语 the hood whore

hood whore

Hood Whore is a chick that sleeps with everyone in the hood and you can call up for a booty call
Yo that chick is a hood whore

hood whore

car magazine photo model
A girl model who has her picture taken bendingover the hood of a car is a "hood whore".

hood whore

A chick who likes to get it on while lying on the hood of a hot car.
After I got done bangin' that sweet hood whore, I left her in the parking lot to walk home!

Hood Whore

A girl that thinks she is all that. She acts so innasint around some people and goes all hood on another. Her fav colors are red and blue for red pancake and blue waffle. Over all she is an evil witch
That girl Stephanie just went all hood whore on Cheyenne

the hood whore

Usually an ugly duckling who thinks she is hot shit. They get pregnant in high school by your local drug dealer who only sells grams of weed. She usually engages in sex for cigarettes and drugs. The hood whore is believed to be learned behavior(Usually gets it from her mama). The hood whore tends to brag about sleeping with men in relationships. She is usually in and out of your local county jail. She will brag about being crazy and petty. The hood whore has no motivation and bad hygiene. You can usually find your hood whore in a low budget hotel, the abortion clinic, your towns local bar, and the welfare office. She will brag about getting to a “bag”(check) while working 22 hours a week making $8.55 a hour. The hood whore is usually infested with STI’s.
Sean- I have to go get checked out. I herd Brittany had a STI. I slept with her without a condom on and I’m freaking out!

Tori- that’s what you get for having unprotected sex with the hood whore. She sleeps with everyone bro.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:41:50