

俚语 the israeli army

The Israeli Army

The Israeli Army consists of unbelieveable people that will sacrifice their life for the good of the rest of the isralies. Yes, you are by law forced to join the army at the age of 18, but as an Israele, I know I speak for all other Israelies, becoming a soldier is an honour. Like your grandparents, and parents before you did. It's something you are born into. Seeing soldiers walking down the street. Like 18 year old kids in America, for them they know it's the normal, logical thing to go into College. For Isralies, the only thing that makes sense is going into the Army. For guys more than girls, it is important to get into the best units. It's a sign of bravery and who's more of a "man". The Israeli army (IDF) shapes the Israelis identity. It makes them who they are. It toughens them, and it connects them to their country. It is the best thing a person can go through. And I am greatful to be apart of such a unified country.
Tomer: "So Liran, what unit do you want to go into in the Israeli Army?"
Liran: "I want to be an F-16 pilot"
Tomer: "Oh yea, wasn't your dad a pilot as well?"
Liran: "Yea, from a young age he told me amazing stories about it. But I know I am more privilged, because technology is amazing now, and the planes are unbelievable"

The Israeli Army

The most intense army on earth. If Israel gets invaded by, like, 10 different countries, their army would be able to kick ass. This isnt a political statement about the whole situation there between the Israelis and the Arabs, all im saying is that they kick ass.
If America had the same amount of people in the army, and all the same equipment as the Israeli Army and no one had allies or nukes, Israel would kick America's ass, even if they had like 1000 more people than them.

The Israeli Army

A relatively small group of elite soldiers, funded almost entirely by the US taxpayer, upheld for the sole purpose of maintaining a Western presence in the Middle-East.
The Israeli Army has killed more innocent civilians than combatants in Palestine.

israeli army

Contrary to idioty belief, the Israeli army are not terrorists or killers. They protect their country just like any other. They are the 3rd best army in the world due to sheer size and ability with the fact that they recruit manditoraly at age 18.
Palistinians think that they can just slowly move in with armed forces and kill Israeli people and have no recourse.... silly people!

israeli army

One of the best Army's in the world suprisingly. Reasons for this are because there is a law that states when you turn 18 you goto the military. Only israel is outdone by china or america due to sheer size and technology. America is the best however.
America and Israel would probably own everyone if the shit hits the fan!

Israeli Army

Many mistake the Israeli army to be one that defends Israel from invasions and attacks when in essence they instigate invasions themselves and launch attacks on unsuspecting victims. The IDF has been implicated in many massacres over the years. Most of which have not made it to mainstream news outlets because of Pro-Israel lobby groups (see AIPAC).

The IDF gets most of its funding from the United States. U.S. tax payers often, unknowingly, fund this immoral and inhumane war machine, one of the region's most ruthless armies.
The Israeli army bombed a house killing most of its young occupants; some were children less than 5 years old.

israeli army

Ha, an army of evil, decadent, money laundering, weak, evil, decadent, money grabbing, rapist, weak, evil pornographic suppressors of our very very very righteous people!
That has been easily defeating our holy Mujaheinedin armies multiple times their size for the past 54 years...




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