

俚语 the jutz

The Jutz

Modern day female companion
Me and the jutz love modern degustation


a slang term for the drug cannabis (marijuana)

The word was born in 2006 when a bunch of Cornejo boys from the Philippines used it as a substitute word in the song 'KNOT'.
Erika bought $500 dollars worth of jutz from her neighbor.


Jutz is a positive exclamation meaning something good. Jutz is a word that substitutes regular words in a sentence.
"Have a look at her ass, she is jutz"

"Did you have a jutzy time at the concert? "Yeah jutz"


Everything positive is „jutz“
•Your friend posted a pic you like. You comment „Juuuutz“
•you See a Fire Shirt in the mall. It’s jutz

•you See a big booty bunda. You tell your friends „I saw a girl which such a jutz bunda


Jutz (pronounced Jyooootz) is a euphemism for the female genitalia. In the same way as the word "pussy", it can also be used to described young women in general.

Taken to its ultimate extreme, it can be used as a subsititution word in sentences where it does not belong
"Lets go and find the juuutz parade"

(Good looking girl walks past)... "Juuuuutz"

"Alex is a big fat jutz monster"

As substitution word: "Lets walk down to the pier jutz"


From the slang Spanish jots, derived from joto, meaning someone who is a homosexual.
Look at the way that jutz is walking!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:07:47