

俚语 big tit's

Big Tits

Used to describe big breasts on a female
"damn girl! You got some big tits!"

Big Tits

A usually sylicone stuffed subtance that most males seem to enjoy sucking on until it turns a deep purple.


A woman’s part, and it is very delicious! I eat it everyday!!
Did you see her BIG TIT!!!!! It’s so delicious!!

big tits

big tits are ginormuos jiggly bouncy loving fucking things that look goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
jigilly things that u can fuck
o oo o
o o
o o<-butimagine2ofthose big tits
o o

Big Tit

a silly idiot
Dont be a big tit

Big tits

Some warm perfect like water balloons.
Hey u have big tits

Big Tits

The ugliest possible form for a female's breasts to take at any age, yet which the majority of the male population seems to hunger for. This leads to girls with perfect, elegant little breasts to ruin them with enlargement.

The worst fucking trend in Western aesthetics ever.
'Look at me! My big tits are so huge and swollen and so fucking ugly like orange rotten melons that I know you're gonna love them!'
'That's great, honey. I want a divorce, you cow.'




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