

俚语 the lizard's


"Truck Stop Whores"
Trucker: I usually don’t find lot lizards out in the wild.

Dennis: I’m a little behind on my trucker terms, a lot lizard would be a…

Trucker: …A lizard…you know...truck stop whores.

Trucker: Back in the day, hell, I would’ve let you turn me into Swiss cheeseee…Make me into a mailbox. Open the slot and put whatever you want inside!


womans pussy, cunt, southern slang for clit.
damn, that girl has a big lizard.


A nickname for Mark Zuckerberg
person 1 Yo, whats the news on the lizard?
person 2 Last I heard he was testifying in court for succing data.


A magical creature typically found in a desert, in trees, or on the ground. They typically perform magic when they aren't around civilization and prefer to perform their skills in a hidden dark area like a small cave. They do not like when people interfere by lifting a roof or moving their habitat in which they perform their magic, but instead they completely stop magic in a split second and make themselves look like a basic lizard to the human eye.
I moved this rock off of a few other ones and I saw a lizard run out!


Someone who acts weird as fuck and is not acting like a normal human.
Yo stop acting like a fucking lizard, bro.


It’s a banana and it has arms and legs and it talks.
Cool Dude: oh my god look it’s a lizard
Fever drem gurl: banana man


Shape shifting human-lizard hybrids.
Generally heads of state, captains of industry, members of secret fraternal or black ops organizations. Not to be messed with.
I've also looked at Icke's writings, and the Bush family and many members of his cabinet, together with the royal heads of Europe and many members of Kalifornia's Bohemian Club all qualify as members of the shape shifting lizard-human hybrid family. The Queen Mother was supposed to be gargantuan and especially fierce when in her lizard form.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:45:16