A nice pg-unneeded fp! Full of edits for actors and tiktokers, super nice friend and can edit like a goddess!
man 1: hey man did u see the new fp?
man 2: for what?
man 1: The losers club!
man 2: the heck is the Losers club?
man 1: she post a bunch of cool thing like actors and that!
man 2: I’ll follow her!!
man 2: for what?
man 1: The losers club!
man 2: the heck is the Losers club?
man 1: she post a bunch of cool thing like actors and that!
man 2: I’ll follow her!!
An amazing fan page on Instagram! Super kind, nice owner and amazing friend.
“Pft and IT fp that movie is so old”
“They are a really good fp!”
“ makes amazing edits!”
“They are a really good fp!”
“ makes amazing edits!”