

俚语 the moon unit

The Moon Unit

Similar to the G Unit the Moon Unit is a group of people that are space cadets.Crazy people who make alot of jokes. The group originated at Sobey's Head Office in Nova Scotia.
Man those people are crazy. Yea they're the Moon Unit

Moon units

Imperial units; the units US astronauts used to land on the moon.
Ugh, why does google give height results in imperial? Don't they know that the vast majority of the world doesn't use moon units?

Lol, moon units are such a meme.

Moon Unit

The legal name that the late Frank Zappa gave to his only duaghter.
Moon Unit was the Val voice-over in the Frank Zappa Song "Valley Girl".

moon unit

Crazy Ass group of people.
What a space Cadet. Yup definetly part of the Moon Unit.

moon unit

refers to a girls ass, preferably a big one. used in a derogatory way.
guy 1:"dude check out that chicks ass!"
guy 2: "thats the biggest moon unit i've ever seen!"

moon unit

A moon unit is a person who resembles those who have landed on the moon- strong, powerful, and talented individuals. They have a lot of potential to reach aspirational heights.
Wow, you're so cool. You're a moon unit.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:40:42