

俚语 bijes


The act of continuously cutting a piece of food in half so it appears the leftover half is for others. For example, a cookie is split in half and eaten, then the remaining half is split in half again and one half is eaten. The process is repeated until half of a crumb remains.
In a sentence, "Hey, stop Bijeeing that cookie! We don't want to eat your leftovers."

"I don't want to look like a pig, so I'll just Bijee this piece of cake."


The act of performing a quick Blowjob as a favor.
Barry offered a bijee to group of angry guys.

bijes rai

The sexiest human on earth. eing with bijes is like being in heaven.He can be a bit of a nerd but is lovely to be around, he is often described as cute, sexy, handsome, zesty and fruity.If you get asked out by a bijes take the opportunity as he will make you extremely happy.

Bijes is sporty, athletic, asian and leng.He will make you feel butterflies whenever you see him
girl 1: Omg Bijes Rai is sooo cute!

girl 2: for real.

girl 3 : purr


Publicly accepted term for "bitches" in a conversation (oral or textual) .
Hey yo buddy! I spent all mah monies on booze and bijes.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:22:30