

俚语 the poo pusher

The poo pusher

when someone is trying to shit you get your cock or strap-on and force it back into the anus
hello motto do the poo pusher today lol

poo pusher

derogatory term for a homosexual
don't be such a poo pusher

poo pusher

a homosexual. To push poo in a males asshole with ones penis.
Mikey's gay...Hes a poo pusher...

poo pusher

Too Push Poo Inside someones anal passage with your penis

Poo Pusher

poofter,gay, homo sexual
Elton John

Poo pusher

'Poo Pusher' - a derogatory term for a homosexual.
Craig: Andrew, you're a poo Pusher.
Andrew : ahh what's the story, I'm not a Poo Pusher.

poo pusher

one (Shaw) who pushes poo
Kevin is the Dude's poo pusher.




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