

俚语 the print

the print

see also cameltoe
That girl's shorts were so tight, I could see the print.


The imprint of one's penis and or genitals, visible through tight pants or clothing.
"Yo, I can see yo 'print!"


When you are carrying a gun, knife, any weapon concealed, but it prints through thinner layers of clothing.
I was carrying a big pistol this afternoon; big mistake. It got hot, I took off my jacket and it started printing through my shirt.

Print it

Pronounced "prinnit", usually following "so what?", means don't worry about it or it's all good. Very casual and very hip.
"Dude, my girlfriend broke up with me last might."
"So what? Print it! She was a whore anyways."


A stock/options market term originating during the WSB era, meaning to be making a lot of money on a trade.
Man that $500 $TSLA call I bought last mont is fuckin’ printing!


A visible indication that someone is carrying a concealed firearm. IE: An abnormal bulge under the armpit or in the waistband.
Hey - see the guy in the Hawaiian shirt? Looks like he's printing, he's probably packing under there.


Wall Street trader slang for:
1) To print a ticket, i.e. make a trade or seal the deal
2) To have sex with a woman - seal the deal
(on the trading floor)
Karen Hooker (Merrill Lynch trader): "I'll sell you 1000 shares of Motel 6 stock for $50 apiece."
Chris Taylor (Bear Stearns trader): "Done! Print that!"
Karen: "I'll also sell you long positions on Google, Blackstone, and Merrill, and a short position on Bear Stearns."
Chris: "I'll take it all! Oh yeah! Money money money money!!!"

(later at Chris' home)
Chris' wife: "How was your day? Why are you home so late?"
Chris: "Well, there was this girl - Hooker, actually. You know, the old Motel 6 deal. I totally printed that shit! She gave it up for only 50 bucks! Then she got me in all these positions and I must have printed four or five more times! Damn I'm tired from all that action. I'm hitting the sack."
Chris' wife: ***SMACK!!!*** "Get out now! How could you do this to your loving wife and poor little children?"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:29:27