

俚语 the pussy crunch

The pussy crunch

This describes the situation you are in if you have gone a long time without pussy, like the credit crunch but with pussy not money
Friend1: Man i was in the club all night last night and i didnt pull a thing
Friend2: I know mate, thats because theres a pussy crunch going on
The pussy crunch slam and bounce

pussy crunch

when a man hammers or pounds a girl so hard when having sex that she bleeds and is sore for days on end.
Yeah i fucked my girl friend so hard i gave her a pussy crunch!

Pussy Crunch

When a woman's vagina is so tight that when you get your penis in it hurts.
"Damn, Her pussy was so tight that shit gave me pussy crunch!"

Pussy Crunching

its a word to use when joking around about doing dirty things with the opposite sex. pussy crunching is used when such actions are intended to happen more than once with multiple people in one night. it can also be used in the place of any verb when around people who are familiar with the word and the correct usage.
I'm gunna pussy crunch everyone at this party before the night is over.

I love you like I love pussy crunching.

Hey girl you better have got your pussy crunched the way you were working it last night.

Merry Pussy Crunching Christmas




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