

俚语 the pussyfooting

The Pussyfooting

A sexual activity in which the male will jam their foot as far as they can into the female vagina without lube. It is most commonly done while eating Mac and cheese.
Samuel Bestwick: I just did the pussyfooting with a guy
Straight male: wow you are gay


To act or proceed cautiously or timidly to avoid committing oneself, like a cat circling carefuly around something it finds distasteful.
Quit pussyfooting around and face the issue head on.


To act in an overly cautious, wussy manner.
Donald never got the nerve to talk to any of the girls in the bar. He just spent the night pussyfooting around and then went home to choke the bishop.


someone who encounters endless blockades
"hey, mark says he's going to be late; he's encountered an endless blockade on route 1"

"what a pussyfooter"


This is the word of when you type pussy and it autocorrects to pussyfoot.
*types pussy* you: “I want your pussyfoot so bad” her: “wtf”


Having a tired pussy but still wanting dick
After all that sex I was pussyfooted but we had to keep going.


To mess around. 'No Pussyfooting' would be translated as straight to the point, without beating around the bush.
No Pussyfooting, just a straight-foreward answer




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:59:41