

俚语 the ranga

The Ranga

1. Born somewhere in the Booniesque territories of Australia, the Ranga prides himself on his flaming red hair, pseudo-film qualifications and complete lack of anything worth while to say.
2. In a logical hierarchy, the step between 'Assmuppet' and 'Turdkisser'.
3. A frequenter of The Forum who engages in circlejerk behavior, has a small penis and that no one really likes.
Somewhere in Australia - *sounds of retards playing with machinery*
Rest of the World - Hmm.. looks like the Ranga just posted.

The Ranga

a messege board user that posts very gay threads
The Ranga will probably be banned.


a person who has red or orange hair
richard you fucking ranga piss off


Derived from Orangutan or from the Latin “Orange Utan” meaning red pubic hair, commonly known as Fanta pants. This creature is well known for its fiery temper and pale skin; hence its ability to spend long periods of time in the sun is limited. The female of the spices is renowned for being good in bed, combining its natural aggression with its lack of appreciation for its looks.
My mate won’t fuck rangas; he said he would rather put his nuts in a rabbit trap.

My misses is a ranga but don’t call her that she will rip your fucking head off and shit down your throat.


Abbreviation of orangutan, a derogatory term for a redhead.
RANGA!!!!!*shout across cafeteria*


Nick name for a "red head" -- shortened version of Orang-utans simply because thier hair is also red.
Julie was often referred to as a "ranga" because her hair was flaming red...


fuck off beth you fucking ranga




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