

俚语 the red button

the red button

See nuclear button.
"During the Cold War there was much fear about whether or not we'd really have to use the red button."

Red button

*pushes red button* *nuclear blast wipes out all life on earth*

red button

you don't press this, no matter how red or shiny it looks
"Dude is that the red button?"


"I think I'm gonna push it."

"Go ahead man but let me leave first"


verb. To end an incoming call on the cell phone by pressing the red button. Used when trying to block out an annoying caller.
I had to red button the guy that called me six times in a row at the movie, how annoying!

Red Button

When someone does something so heinous, that you'd start Nuclear Armageddon over it.
I'm totally pressing the Red Button for this bitch! I want her and everything she loves to disappear!

Red Button

Using Fire Caulk as a lubricant to have sexual relations with a male or female of your choice
Little Wyatt went home after a long day of work and took a tube for the road he proceeded to apple the “red button” on his 2 fingers and went to town

Red Button Effect

The ubearable attraction to a dangerous/alluring object or situation. Very close to a drug addiction.

Applies to: sex, cliff-jumping, large red buttons that say "Do Not Push", hot girls bent over searching though their bags, stealing, etc.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Rob saw a shiny, red Ferarri with its door open and keys in the lock. I could see him shaking and knew he was having trouble resisting the Red Button Effect.




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