The SAO Effect
When a series, whether it be a movie, game, or anime has a very good start, but takes a turn for the worst. A paradox where something is set up to be one of the best series of all time, and instead becomes one of the worst of all time. This can take many forms, as it can occur because of the following; Bad side characters, unoriginal plot twists, forced reverse tropes, an ungodly long name, main character having the Kirito face, the entirety of the Isekai genre, etc.
Guy 1: Man, Sword Art Online is my favorite anime of all time!
Guy 2: What's your second favorite? Cause The SAO Effect is in play
Guy 1: My Hero Ac-
Guy 2: Kill yourself
Guy 2: What's your second favorite? Cause The SAO Effect is in play
Guy 1: My Hero Ac-
Guy 2: Kill yourself