

俚语 the scarn

the scarn

An iconic dance move, popularized by the hit Threat Level Midnight. Its steps are as follows: you jump to the right, and shake the hand, and you jump to the left, and shake that hand. Meet new friends, tie that yarn.
That’s how you do the Scarn.
“There’s a whole crowd of people out there who need to learn how to do the Scarn.”

scarn on

Aussie slang for "what's going on?"
Guy- "Scarn on mate?"
Ting- "Nothin, just goin for a sesh mate"


A word created by an idiot that is used to say Whats Going on? all in one word
Scarn My Brotheerrrsssss aaaaaaa


n. Mayhem, mischief, and general disarray, usually caused by drunken fraternity members between the ages of 18 and 21.
See also Xi Xi.
The broken windows, bottles, bones, and cherries were evidence that a considerably amount of scarn had taken place the previous night.


"what's going on" abreviated. can also say Whatscarn?
person 1: Scarn bro?
person 2: NM scarn wit you?
person 1: yeah bruv NM

The Scarn

Jump to the right and shake a hand,
Jump to the left and you shake that hand,

Meet new friends,

Tie some yarn, that's how ya' do the scarn.
person a: can you do the scarn?
person b: of course!


Scarn on? Usually used by The Boys, especially when in reference to a hard day down at Dunt Pub.
e.g. - Daz, Scarn?

Daz: Yeah, scarn?
Maz: Yeah scarn? kick on?
Daz: friday?
maz: true.




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