

俚语 bilbro


verb - the act of throwing a girl against the wall and jumping up and down and doing the party boy to her.
Dude, did you see Joe, he so Bilbroed that girl.

henley bilbro

A girl who loves to play cake wars and is a peg uwu
Hey look it’s Henlerson! Wow yeyey it’s Henley Bilbro

Bilbro Baggins

(noun.) Your {bro who’s obssesed with The Lord Of The Rings
Example: “Jake’s seen The Twin Towers eight times...He’s such a Bilbro Baggins.”


Something that does not work, something Broken, Comes from the french word "Bilboquet" mixed up with the beginning of the world "Broken" and it end up "Bilbro".
This computer is so fucking Bilbro !
I'm so fucking Bilbro because of Covid !
This server is so Bilbro because of this cryptolocker !




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