

俚语 the up-down

The Up-Down

Checking someone out by looking from the head then down.
1: I just gave that person the up-down

2: whats the up down

3: I checked her/him out from head to toe


The standard unit of measure for blowjobs, push-ups, sit-ups, and other events of a cyclical nature. The unit symbol for up-down is "ud".
Alec only lasted 2 up-downs.

Alex, you owe me 12 up-downs because I won that bet.

Bro, how many up-downs did she give you?

Up Downs

Used in many sports for conditioning, or punishment. Drill started by saying "get em going", and that is the cue to start chopping your feet. When you hear "hit it" drop to the floor on your chest and get up as fast as you can and continue chopping your feet. Very pain full
Up Downs are...

Football: Stop holding your dicks and make a tackle. GET EM GOING HIT IT!

Up downs

A disease infecting the human body. The diseased person does not fully realize they have it. Symptoms may include staring off into space, not being able to close your mouth, inability to step touch, and not having responses to individuals
“Yo that urchin is looking real wack”
“Yeah it looks like a serious case of the up downs”

Up-Down Shot

A two part shot, one part going down the other going up. You first snort out of the bottom nipple of a shot glass a combination of wild turkey and bacardi 151 followed by a standard shot of jack daniels. The result is a feeling never felt before of agony, excitement, and pride. Few are daring enough to accomplish the task of finishing this shot.
Up-Down Shot, snort a combination of bacardi 151 and wild turkey followed by a shot of jack daniels.

Up-Down Ratio

The ratio of thumbs up to thumbs down (or likes to dislikes) that everyone subconsciously calculates when glancing over items on this website or other websites with rated material to see if reading said item is even worth it.
"An up-down ratio of about 3.5, I'll definitely have to read this one!"


when a person punches a woman's boob in an upward direction and then immediately downward. it hurts really bad
"ow i just got up-downed"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:15:19