

俚语 the voo

The Voo

Friend One: Hey dood wassup?
Friend Two: Nothing much just on The Voo with my boyfriend
Friend One: The Voo? What's that?
Friend Two: Oovoo. You know, that video chatting thing?
Friend One: Ohhh. That's pretty cool dood(:

Voo Voo

A voo voo is a generic racial slur for a terrorist. It is often used when a person doesn't want others around them to know who or what they are specifically talking about except for those in the know. All voo voo's should be avoided as they commonly have explosives strapped to their chest and could blow you up at any moment.

Voo Voo's are easily distinguished by the towel on their head or the camel they road in on.
Hey John, look at that voo voo over there. He must be Osama Bin Laden's cousin.


When you tripping/high/tired/confused/bugging out/etc.
Bro that weed was too strong I'm a little voo right now.


Vaping whilst having a poo.
"Oi mate pass me my vape, i'm going for a voo.


A word used by men to imply women. Basicly the V being the pussy, and the two O's being the boobs.
You must be a gay man not to like voo


l33t hax0r
i r teh l33t hax0r


Mostly slang for vagina, but also referencing the female anatomy in general.
My voo is itchy.

I am going to the Ob/Gyn today for my annual voo check appointment.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:05:01