

俚语 the wez

The Wez

The wez plays guitar in a group called Spillway.
"did you see spillway last night?"..

"Yeah man, the Wez totally shreds "


Wez=is an alternative word for west side.
West side people say wez when they greet or when they want people to know where they from.


Wez is a wonderful guy, with a great personality and is pretty hot. He loves his friends and family, and is very forgiving, even to people that dont deserve it. He hates fake people and reheads turn him on. When he falls for someone he falls hard and hes a wonderful person to be with. So if you get a wez dont let them go.
Person 1: wez just asked me out, should i do it?
Person 2: Yes!!!! wez is amazing!


The Wezinator - Weston Latimer Prestage.
Powerful beat individual of telescoping literary proportions.
THE WEZ was ever a trier,
To push himself higher and higher,
He grew hair on his face,
But his real Coup de Grace,
Was setting his body on fire. -Nommo


the invisible member of a band, team or group of friends. often full of many an idea for the good of the group but very rarely manages to make it materialise (or himself)
He's done a Wez on us again.

Where's that Wez?


To Wez is to replicate being dormant while engaging in sexually explicit behaviour
Hey some guys asleep on the couch... wait a minute hes not sleeping hes dj'n. thats a wez


known hypixel cheater
wez > you




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:26:37