

俚语 this nigga

This Nigga

A phrase you use when a nigga acting retarded
Person 1: that’s not a nice guessture
Person 2: This Nigga

This Nigga

Somthing you say when someone say's somthing stupid
Antonio: Dude I lost your 50 dollars
Me: This Nigga

This Nigga

(High Pitch) When a Fucktard continues to be a dumb ass nigga but refuses to use common sense
E.g " can i have a chip " "no" "takes chip" "this nigga dumb😤"

Nigga nigga nigga nigga

Well to put it simply it’s your niggas niggas niggas nigga
Ayyyy what up my nigga nigga nigga nigga

nigga nigga nigga

An amazing parody song on YouTube describing niggas. In the "This is Gangsta Rap" series.

Look up: This is gangsta rap- nigga nigga nigga
NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA, why do the police hate niggas?
NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA NIGGA, they hate us cuz our dicks is bigger.


nigga to nigga

meaning man to man, or real talk between two males.
Rich: Yo, did you drink my iced tea?

Ted: Nah, I didn't...

Rich: Ted, nigga to nigga, did you drink my iced tea?

Ted: Well, maybe I had a taste...

nigga nigga nigga

The sound a chainsaw makes to scare black people.
Chainsaw: *nigga nigga nigga*
Black Person: "AHHHHHHHH" *runs in fear*




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:24:29