

俚语 billshit


The "cornpone" rhetoric that Bill Clinton used to bombard American citizens with.
Have you heard the latest billshit about the arms race and Chinese?


to use the toilet and leave shit around the ring of the seat.
when bill got up from the toilet he left billshit around the seat.


way to fuckin' expensive
*dude goes and buys a new laptop*
>checkout clerk< "That'll be 563.53 for the 400 MHZ laptop."
Guy 1: That's billshit!


Any bill or form of legislation enacted by Congress that is complete partisan bullshit, either fully addressing one side's wants or the other side's, but never satisfying both parties political desires.
#1. Barack Obama's socialist health care bill is complete and utter billshit.


the act of complete bullshit without the bull
That's such Billshit!!!!!


When your friend is spouting an unbelievable level of bullshit, they are talking as much rubbish as your acquaintance Bill (other names may apply) who maintains an average of 99% bullshit with regards to absolutely anything he says.
My goodness, Jack keeps talking about that 'stunning' girl he pulled the other night. We all know that he cannot pull a girl of that level, he is talking complete and utter Billshit.


Performing an act of utter stupidity, knowing its stupid but doing it anyway and bragging about it later




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:47:16