

俚语 billy club


A phallus-shaped blunt object used for hitting people around the head.
That cop hit me with his billy-club, aw man does it hurt.

billy club

a wooden club or truncheon (such as those carried by police in the U.K.)
He got hit in back of the head with a billy club again.

Billy Club

A Bitch beatin' stick. Resembles a dildo. Commonly carried by officers of the law, spouse abusers, sexual role players, and angry prostitutes.
Bitch, I'll beat you wit' my billy club.

billy clubbing

When one lovingly wacks there significant other in the face continuously with their erect penis.
My wife got upset when i was billy clubbing her in the morning.

Billy club

When ice spice throws her tonka in reverse my meat suffers from swoleio aka i get a boner aka i get a BILLY CLUB. a true billy club can cut diamonds. This isnt ur ordinary boner this is life threatening. A BILLY CLUB is serious
She had a purple juicy jumpsuit on last night

Shit gave me a BILLY CLUB

Billy Club Sandwich

A Hardcore band from the greater New York Metropolitan area who sing in both Spanish and English. They started playing shows in 1996 and are hard as fuck. Songs of note "Slow With Your Hands" "Narco Cabron" and "Chin Music".
"A Billy Club Sandwich is like a knuckle sandwich only it hurts more."
"Billy Club Sandwich...On Your Feet!"

Chicago Billy Club

The hit someone with a poop filled sock. Taken from an attack that occurred in Chicago where someone hit a lady on the train with a feces filled sock.
I'm gonna give that lady a Chicago Billy Club.




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