

俚语 threaten your ncoer leadership

Threaten Your NCOER Leadership

An NCOER stands for Non Commissioned Officer Evaluation Report. It is an evaluation that comes from your supervisor usually every year but also due when your leadership changes. It's supposed to be a non biased report based on your performance throughout a certain period of time. But what sometimes happens is leaders don't know of any other way to get their subordinates to do certain things so they will threaten them with a bad or poor rating on their NCOER. Usually a technique used by spineless leaders who have no resemblence of a backbone. The only reason people do this is because they have no respect from their subordinates and this is the only way they can exert what little power they have.
Hey man why did you leave out of the meeting today all pissed off? Oh you didn't hear. That asshat just threatened to give me a bad NCOER if I don't do things "his" way, which we all know is just ass backwards and against regulation. Oh yeah I had one of those leaders one time. I call it Threaten Your NCOER Leadership. Yeah well I cannot wait unitl I leave this place or that jackass leaves one. Yeah and some supervisors don't know how to lead hungry wolves to fresh meat.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:52:04