

俚语 thriver


The 'Thrive' is commonly known as a way to think/party/experience...or perhaps even a way of life.
It is not only a word to define such endless possibilities, but a total lifestyle change & development.
Thrivers can be found from Wed-Sun night,in an overpopulated area,or identified by a mere dance move,to an outrageous talk,unknown to many,recognisably understood by Thrivers,Such talk is exampled by a man-Kris Sproull.ie."The shoelace of a furious masturbator is one of many tools he must take with him to meet Cheryl"


Someone who blames others and deflects so they don't have to take personal accountability for their actions.
Person A: If you hadn’t of bragged so much I wouldn’t have slept with you.
Person B: You wanted to sleep with me before I said anything to you. Remember on the way back from 4th of July in the car. You do whatever you want to do and justify it to yourself by blaming someone else. You’re a thriver.

Person A: You just left my apartment where are you going
Person B: I was taking flight I guess I was on autopilot

Person A: Thats your problem and what I do to people isn't my fault. I don't have to take responsibility for anything
Person B: I was taking flight from you. Your a thriver

Person A: You shake in your sleep
Person B: Its because of what you did to me

Person A: I didn't make you have symptoms of ptsd
Person B: You're a thriver


Someone who blames others and deflects so they don't have to take personal accountability
Person A: If you hadn't of bragged so much I wouldn't have slept with you.
Person B: You wanting to sleep with me had nothing to do with the words I spoke. You do whatever you want to do and justify it yourself by blaming someone else. You're a thriver


Someone who blames others and deflects so they don’t have to take personal accountability.
If you hadn’t of bragged so much I wouldn’t have slept with you.
You wanted to sleep with me before I ever made. You do whatever you want to do and justify it to yourself by blaming someone else. You’re a thriver.


A girl who thrives for sex. It is her ultimate goal on any given night, without sex she cannot be happy.
"What did you think of that girl?"
"Dude, that chick's a thriver!"
"What do you mean?"
"That girl thrives for the ween!"


One who thrives.

To thrive is to have achieved and moved beyond mere survival into something greater. A survivor can become a thriver when they have battled and overcome their demons, learned to love themselves, speak the truth, and refuse to use, harm, or otherwise take advantage of others in pursuit of their goals.

Thrivers not only speak their principles but act according to them: they are real.

Because they walk their talk and affirm truth, a thriver can be more loyal and trustworthy than a survivor because they recognize it can be more difficult to fulfill one's needs and achieve one's goals if it is done at the expense of anothers' well-being. Thrivers are win-win people, whereas survivors many be either win-win, win-lose, or even lose-lose in some high-risk or self-destructive cases (which can lead to a failure to survive, .i.e. death).

Those who thrive live more meaningful, joyful, and abundant lives. They have taken control of their own life path, the path on which they can reach their full potential and unleash their greatness for the betterment of self, family, and the world.
"Many will use you and lie to survive, but those who are righteous and real shall thrive."

"He stole from me because that's what he knows. That's what he does to survive. But I think he's got what it takes to be a thriver. He came clean about what he jacked without me having to call him out."


one who steals other peoples ideas and fronts like its their own. It is a real bitchy aciton and often leads to friend-loss, a serious condition that has no cure. They live off of others and has no originality. Even saying the word thriver makes one a thriver because only one person truly discovered that word. Thrivers are very sneaky and manipulative and will try to convince you that you are the actually the one thriving.
"O my gaw that bitch is so thriving"

"Dude, Will, stop being a fucking thriver."

"Thrive one more time bitch, and I'll cut you"

"I totally invented car and then Henry ford thrived my idea!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:06:19