

俚语 throttle


Throttle means both the accelerator part of the engine(or something) and to physically strangle a person without using any items. Gripping them from the throat and squeezing.
Charles throttled Annie because she was a bitch.


The act of cuasing injury to a victim or otherwise cuasing harm. Normally done with blunt objects or with bare hands. Throttling is a common act among gangsters. See also Pwn and smash
"You get any closer to my computer and I'm going to throttle you!"


When a cell phone company causes your phone to receive data at an incredibly slow speed as a means of forcing you to use less bandwidth and data. It is reported that AT&T and Verizon are among the companies that engage in this practice.
"AT&T just throttled his phone 'cause he's using too much bandwidth."


To engage in the act of hardcore and strenuous fucking.
Adam saw Craig throttling the shit out of this bitch!!!


To yell at and/or scold and individual.
My wife is going to throttle me tomorrow when she finds out about this! Oh well.


when a guy is doggy styling a girl and sticks his thumb in her ass.
Hey guys last night I throttled some bitch, ahaha.


giving someone head
ay last night i got some bomb throttle!




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