

俚语 thrunt


Used to describe the front fatty neck area that runs from the chin to seemingly the chest of severely obese people. Combination of throat and gunt.
This dude at Burger King had ketchup running down his thrunt.


Used to describe threat hunting, the act of actively hunting for bears, pandas, spiders, kittens, tigers, and even sometimes chollima's.
"The analyst went thrunting for bears but only found a wizard spider."
"In their status report they said they were thrunting at insider threats and got a call from HR"


A popular act dating back to rural Belgium in the late 1920's. Similar in definition to Throdding, yet differs in that it can only be actioned towards a female. Rather than the use of a magazine the appropriate tool would be a tea towel or petticoat that would be wafted vigorously in the direction of a ladies exposed nether regions. A most un-lady like act.
"I Say Mildred, be a dear and Thrunt me to near climax with that wet dish cloth your holding!"

"Cor! I loves a good Thrunting I do!"

thrunt punch

This is a throat and cunt punch at the same time ❤
Susan I'm going to thrunt punch you when you get here .




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