

俚语 tickles my pickle

tickles my pickle

when something thoroughly satisfies your needs or desires
i love getting As on my tests. that shit really tickles my pickle

tickles my pickle

food for thought; thought-provoking phrases and sentences
What tickles my pickle is how I can see through that door from all the way over here, but when I get up close to it I can't see a damn thing through it!

tickle my pickle

to give a handjob think about it
erin tickled my pickle for a nickel

Tickles my pickle

When something is found pleasing.
Can be used in any situation, innocent or not.
"Man, this cheese really tickles my pickle."

tickle my pickle

To masturbate, or jack off. Could also mean a girl is giving you a blowjob or handjob aswell.
Example: My gf just tickled my pickle of mine last night. I came all over her face and she licked the cum off.

tickle my pickle.

Tickle My Pickle

A saying used to describe when a women "tickles" a man's penis.
Dude, do you think Jessica would tickle my pickle?!

tickle my pickle

1. When you ask a girl to play with your dick during school.
ima get her to tickle my pickle bro!!




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