

俚语 tight rules

Tight Rules

Meaningless phrase that sounds hip enough for nobody to question it. This enables you to sound like you have your finger on the urban pulse when in reality you sit in your country house all day playing classical music and looking at your monkey puzzle tree. Can be used as a response to pretty much any statement, depending on it's infliction.
1. (positive infliction) Aggresive looking teenagers: Hey! We've scored some buzz on the dip with the floonies up whitespit!
You(not comprehending): Tight Rules!

2. (negative infliction) Aggresive looking teenagers: Spuz monkey, dude. Our hicks got our number and now we fry in twenty-five, you ringin' what we jack?
You: Tight Rules, man. Tight Rules.

The Tight-Pant Rule

Guys that wear tight pants, usually the really hot skateboarder types, are stupid and inconsiderate. They are selfish, hard to deal with, and extremely forgetful. The tighter the jeans, the worse the guy.
The Tight-Pant Rule in action:

Tight-pants-wearing Guy: Yeah, I'll call you at seven!
Girl: Okay sounds good!

*next day*

Girl: Why didn't you call me?
Tight-pants-wearing Guy: Uh I forgot.




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