

俚语 binarian


A special kind of idiot who believes that all people who hold a different view from oneself have the same views as each other.

Coined by Dilbert creator Scott Adams on his blog to give a name for people who believes there are only two viewpoints for every topic. (Don't worry, you're not being a labelass if you use this term.)
Person 1: "I don't think we should bomb Elbonia just because someone said they have a giant slingshot."

Person 2: "Typical liberal."

Person 1: "Typical binarian."


A special kind of idiot who believes that all people who hold a different view from oneself have the same views as each other. A labelass.
Person 1: "I don't think we should bomb Elbonia just because someone said they have a giant slingshot."

Person 2: "Typical liberal."

Person 1: "and you are such a binarian!"


A special kind of idiot who believes that all people who hold a different view from oneself have the same views as each other.
We need a name for people who believe that everyone who has a different point of view has the same opinion as everyone else who also has a different point of view. Example:

Person 1: "I don't think we should bomb Elbonia just because someone said they have a giant slingshot."

Person 2: "Typical liberal."

Let's call a person who believes there are only two viewpoints for every topic a binarian. And don't worry that using the word will make you a labelass. A labelass is one who uses a label as a substitute for comprehension. If someone is indeed being a total binarian, the label fits.


A special kind of idiot who believes that all people who hold a different view from oneself have the same views as each other.
Person 1: "I don't think we should bomb Elbonia just because someone said they have a giant slingshot."

Person 2: "Typical liberal."

Person 1: "Typical Binarian."


A special kind of idiot who believes that all people who hold a different view from oneself have the same views as each other.
Binarian: a person who believes there are only two viewpoints for every topic




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:21:01