

俚语 time capsuling

Time capsuling

Time capsuling is talking or teaching someone younger about the past.
I was playing a standup Pac-Man game and got the high score, I did some time capsuling with my kid how to plug high score initials in.

time capsule

The term for a car that has been left unvented after hot-boxing, which results in an immediate contact high upon re-entry.
Liam entered his car after Colson and Walter had hotboxed it, and got wicked baked on his trip to the grocery (due to this time capsule).

time capsule

When one releases a quantity of diarrhea into a thermos, seals the vessel, then forces the capsule up into their rectum to be opened at a later date.
Thomas has a time capsule that he says I can open on friday.

Time Capsule

Something that you and Greg do in like fourth grade and dig up in 8th grade, and rejoice at mouldy fidget spinners and an expired tin of mints
yo dude i dug up my time capsule

wash your hands you imbecile

Alabama time capsule

When a male family member, belonging to the older generation (father/grandfather), ejaculates inside a female member of the same family, and then a family member belonging to a youger generation (son/daughter) feasts on the semen.
Mom: Im working overtime i cant be on the family reunion.
Daughter: Oh, thats unfortunate. I was really hoping we were gonna do an ALABAMA TIME CAPSULE tonight.




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