

俚语 tina dandridge

Tina Dandridge

A fat bitch, that talks shit about mostly everyone, has one leg.
Brian don't be a tina dandridge
Whats that? Diego
She is a fat bitch that loves to talk shit and has one leg

Tina Dandridge

Angry white trash woman who lives in a trailer who pops percs and also answers as "one legged wonder"
"Man, that lady is a Tina Dandridge"

tina dandridge

A woman who appears in ‘The Angry Grandpa Show’. She is seen often yelling at grandpa, and grandpa didn’t seem to enjoy her company at times.
Person one: Tina Dandridge is now live on YouTube talking shit.
Person two: I better check it out, quick!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:25:25