When your toes are so long they resemble fingers.
Mandy's toes are so long they look like fingers. They're fucking tingers!
when u hve small thumbs cuz they look like they got cut off an replaced wit yo fingaz
u have small thumbs tose rnt thums those tingers
Someone with toes so long that they resemble fingers
Charlotte walks into her brothers house with flip flops on...
Kyle says “oh my god you’ve got Tingers!”
Charlotte “what the hells Tingers?”
Kyle “those freaky long toes you’ve got sticking out your flip flops”
Kyle says “oh my god you’ve got Tingers!”
Charlotte “what the hells Tingers?”
Kyle “those freaky long toes you’ve got sticking out your flip flops”
The act of being pleasured by toes to the vagina
I Tingered her last night. Tingering
Toes so long they look like fingers
Mitch started stroking Tbones boots with his feet and Hughesy yelled out “those toes are so long they look fingers. They’re tingers!!!”
The Act of penatrating the Virgina with your toes. (preferably your Big Toe)
Nelson- Son, did you hear that Justin tingered some asian chick at the party ...
Mike- Kool-hwip
Traver- Meow
Mike- Kool-hwip
Traver- Meow
Lingering in a friendship or romance only by text.
I am not with him anymore, were just tingering.