

俚语 tiny little

Tiny Little

1) Being a huge nub or beh.
2) Having a small penis.
You know that Mikey K. kid? Yeah he's totally the opposite of a tiny little.

tiny little pecker

a small ass dick
That boy had a tiny little pecker.

tiny little pecker

a penis that looks like a cheeto with two dried raisins.
There was this guy named adam who had a tiny little pecker.

Tiny little head

Acts with No ego , no over iflated sence of self ,humble
he's cool minded no ego not over inflated Tiny little head "cool" level headed

tiny little microscopic

Donald Trump explains coronavirus
'And I think at some point I would -- it's a very -- look, it's a tiny, tiny it's like a tiny little microscopic piece of dust. It gets into nose your mouth or your eye, frankly, or something else or you touch something. So, I understand, and then you get better," Trump explained, clearing up any lingering mystery about the disease.

tiny, tiny little weener.

Another variation of Small Penis.
Regarding Chawk: "and everyone else only to make you forget about your tiny, tiny little weener."

Little Tiny

When an obese female/male has sex with a midget.
Big Marry and Little Paul had "Little Tiny" together.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:55:32