

俚语 tipping out

Tipping Out

To have one's nipples on the verge of exposure.
"you could even see the areola a little bit, she's really Tipping Out with that shirt."

tip out

to walk out or to leave a place
"Yo, let's tip out of here before the police come".

tip out

A libation such as when wine was spilt on a grave in ancient times to honor the departed.

Modern tip out libations involve spilling a portion of beverage onto the ground, floor, street etc. The beverage is usually of a malt variety commonly distributed in 40 ounce glass containers. This is done to acknowledge dead friends, relatives, or fellow gang members who usually met their demise in a violent manner.
Premise: Vlad and Skee are members of a Polish street gang called Dummazzez. Vlad has just returned from a beer run...

Skee: St. Ides! Pass the Sunny-D so I can get my brass monkey on. (Skee begins to chug his 40)

Vlad: Not cool tovarich, are you so dumb that you forget commrad Moosnsquirrel already? The Crazy Macedonians snapped his neck. We must perform tip out to honor him. (Both spill a bit of Ide's)

Vlad: OK, now we get hammered.

Skee: Yes tovarich, very tragic the Macedonians bet Mooz that he couldn't kiss his own ass.

dip out with your tip out

The opposite of "rock out with your cock out". When presented with an opportunity to either man-up or pussy-out, you choose the latter.
Dude at the Bar: "Are you gonna take this shot of of 151 with me? Or are you gonna dip out with your tip out like the bitch you are?
You: "I good man, I am feeling buzzed already."
Dude at the Bar: "Pussy!"

tipped out

On heavy drugs such as; cocaine, mdMa, ecstacy, crystal meth, ect
I was so tipped out this morning




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