

俚语 titanic shit

Titanic Shit

A shit so massive, that when flushed, it breaks in two and carries its passengers to the depths.
I just took a titanic shit that was oscar worthy.

Titanic Shit

Referring to the scene where jack and rose are fucking in the car and jack or rose's hands slides down the window making hand prints with the fog on the window at climax.
Guy 1:"Dude! Our car windows are so fogged up!"
Guy 2:"Bro, slide your hand down the window and do some titanic shit, yo!"

titanic shit

have you ever eaten chips or some other sort of sharp food? well if you have, chances are that you've taken a titanic shit before. a titanic shit is a shit with one or more sharp parts which scrape the sides of your ass.

NOTE: this definition is not used to describe the size of a shit. this is strictly for scrape shits.
Hey Brian, last night i took a fat titanic shit and this time it bled!

titanic shit

When a bowel movement is so magnanimous, that it spins around and is cut in half and pulled down under pressure, much like the titanic was.
I feel so much better after that titanic shit

Titanic Shit

When you take a fat shit and leave it in the toilet bowl to ferment. It's impossible to flush and has to be pulled out with hands. It has to be at least 2 inches wide and 8 inches long to classify as a titanic shit.
"Did you see that titanic shit I took in the school bathroom earlier?"




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