titelation = "tit elation", ie, the joy a man feels when he sees a beautiful set of bOObies.
Nipsey Russell was totally titelated when Pamela let him do an Etch-A-Sketch and then suck on her nips. He was Nipspinnin'!
Nipsey Russell was totally titelated when Pamela let him do an Etch-A-Sketch and then suck on her nips. He was Nipspinnin'!
The way a straight man or lesbian gets when they see (or touch or suck on) a beautiful pair of titties!
I got so titelated when I met Pamela Anderson. Later that night, I did the Etch-A-Sketch with her, and then we pretended she was breastfeeding her newborn (me), and then she rode my pole, and then I finished off with the "Flying Fuck" maneuver!
A tiny boob (not a pair, a singular boob)
Man, Megan sure has some nice titels.