

俚语 bingled


To be got, hoodwinked, run amok, bamboozled in an obvious way, pwned, or otherwise yeeted in the manner of Zook Bingler, Esq.
John: You wouldn't believe what happened to me last night! I was getting out of the shower when Warren threw a pie in my face!

Tom: Oh man sounds like you got bingled!

John: Well if you think I was bingled just consider the top post of this definition and how absolutely bingled they got with this absolutely chonking galaxy brain answer to the question of what it is to be fully, completely, thoroughly, entirely, indubitably bingled with a side of chonkchonk and trank!


To royally screw up in disappointing fashion
Fried Biscuits bingled the easiest level of Mario Sunshine again


To be caught naked by surprise
John : You wouldnt believe what happened to me last night. I had just jumped out of the shower and didnt know Warren had let himself in to my Joint.

Tom : Oh No

John : He totally Bingled me

Tom : Thats Terrible

Warren : It was Hot


a nonsense word; sometimes a filler word determinable via context
A: Oh, I got the entire no-fly by poking around unprotected servers.
A: holy fucking bingle. what?! :3


money, usually 1s

made from combing single with bills.
yo dude just throw me some bingles for the case and we'll be even.


A car crash. Used in eastern-states Australia.
"Heard you got into a bit of a bingle the other day."
"Yes, I did. Luckily, only three of her kids died."


n. an overwhelming sensation of love and affection towards someoene or something, a state of uwu n being super soft towards every action the other person does

v. sending someone all your love or to show someone that you only think of them n adore them no matter what
hala said to her undying love towards ahad, "you are the cutest bingle bean I've ever met n no matter what I will always bingle you"

ahad, was in an state of uwu n bingle




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