

俚语 tits in a (the) ringer

tits in a (the) ringer

To be so angry that it almost hurts. As you would be if your teats actually being caught in the ringers of an old washing machine.

Also a state of anger that keeps getting worse. Much like the pain would if the teats & ringer could not be disengaged.

Not the same as "panties in a bunch." This should used for times when the person is merely annoyed.
You did what? I'll bet that put her tits in a (the) ringer.
Then her teats went in the ringer and I had to bail.

Tit caught in the ringer

Well, okay, it's "wringer" with a "w" not "ringer" but the concept is correct.

See "tit in a wringer" listing
His tit was caught in the wringer, because he didn't know how to spell.

Tit caught in the ringer

Any situation,activity or behaviour that is exposed when wished not to be.---from the old days when washing machines did have ringers and getting you tit caught in it was a possibility!
She thought she would cheet on the test, but she got her tit caught in the ringer!

Tit caught in the ringer

When you are screwed beyond all fixability.
Caught between Mr. T & Chuck Norris, then your tit caught in the ringer.

Got his tit caught in a ringer

When you find yourself in a tricky or difficult situation, especially as a result of your arrogance.
Donald Trump isn't going to be able to pay off his $300 million loan because he didn't make any money on his project. He really he got his tit caught in a ringer.




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