

俚语 tits out

Tits Out

When a girl wears a tight blouse and her breast's are exposed for the world to see.
Jim : Wow did you see Kiersten today?
Chad : Oh yeah she was Tits Out and I creamed my pants!
Kiersten : Hey boy's the milk maid is here!
Jim: Nice!
Chad : Yummy! and you can lick the cream in my pant's!

Tits Out

To ride or race with a tremendous amount of effort, courage, or gusto.

The female identified equivalent of “Balls to the Wall”.
“She was riding Tits Out down the back straight away”.

Tits Out

doing WHATEVER it takes to get things done, ...even if it means using your "wares". using your "gifts" if it means you'll get what you're after, get your way or benefit in some way.
The models on Deal or No Deal definitely went tits out to get those jobs.

tits out

the way a business or home looks after you have worked your ass off to clean it up in anticipation of company visiting.
Normally I am a slob but when my girlfriend came over for dinner I had the apartment looking "tits out".

tits out

state of having one's breasts exposed
common usage with public flashing
Kathy got drunk and ended up tits out. She was flashing everybody that stopped to look.

Tit Out

The female version of having a cock out. To compare tit sizes.
tit out tit boob hooters flash


Noun: A particularly krusty or miserable situation
"Hey man did you catch Mike's party last night?"

" Yeah, it was a fucking tit-out though... ran out of booze before 10 and hardly any women showed up"




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