

俚语 titty lip

Titty Lip

Noun. Describes the facial expression of someone who is particularly manipulative when they can't get their own way.

(Origin and useage: Liverpool / North West)
A: "Eh! What's she doin' 'ere?"

B: "I told 'er she wasn't invited but then she got a titty lip"

Titty lip

When you are about to cry, your eyes well up and your bottom lip sticks out
The baby got scared he pulled a titty lip and started to cry.

Titty lipping

Mainly when you child is pushing their bottom lip out because they didn't get their own way and they are having a sulk. Sometimes the bottom lip can tremble while they are pushing it out.
Put that titty lip away.
That titty lip won't work on me.
He/she is titty lipping again.

titty nipple lip crust

Crust that comes off the nipple
Your titty nipple lip crust got in my salad!




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