

俚语 titty nipples

titty nipple

a titty nipple is simply a titty.
Damn like at that bitch's titty nipples they are HUGE.

titty nipple

the nipple on your titty.
(or the titty your nipple is on)
1) omg! you gave me a titty nipple twister!
2) ahhh! i see your titty nipple.
3) no one touches my titty nipple but me.

titty nipples

when them titties are so damn huge and pepperoni looking, and you eat them up...
nigga give me then titty nipples dawg
nigga gurl hell naw dawg

titty nipple bitch

When someone's in a bitchy mood and you don't know what to call them
"Amanda quit being a titty nipple bitch"

titty nipple lip crust

Crust that comes off the nipple
Your titty nipple lip crust got in my salad!

nipple titties

When your nipples are so large they engulf the breasts they lay upon.
Damn. That bitch got nipple titties for sure. I feel like pizza.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:25:34