

俚语 titty on tap

titty on tap

when a guy has a girl on call to fuck whenever he pleases.
jim: yo are u goin out wit gina?
me: nah i just fuck her. i got her titty on tap.

titty tap

When one takes their hand and goes under the titty with a flat palm and jerk fingers at an upward angle, making the titty bounce.
"Can you believe Diane Ross "titty tapped" Lil' Kim at the VMA's?"

tittie tap

when a titie is elevated to a certain angle that is tap'd
Im going to tittie tap you so hard!

Titty Tap Tuesday

a day of the week (Tuesday) in which any person (male or female) is allowed to tap another one's breasts without backlash
Yes bitch, it's Titty Tap Tuesday! We can finally tap each other's tits!!

Titty tap Tuesday

A day when boys go around tapping girls boobs. Chicks can do it to other chicks, some guys find it very sexy but others may say stuff like your a lezbo!!!!! But don't worry they WILL get over it....If you are a guy go to your 'someone special' don't be shy do it!!
Makala: Noah, its titty tap tuesday do ya remember?
Noah: I know i am waiting for the perfect time!
(Makala pushes up her empty bra getting ready)
(Noah walk over to **** and taps her titties)
(Makala looks at him suprised and embarassed.)

tennessee titty tap

When you are having intimate relations with a female, and as she approaches her climax, abruptly stop what you are doing and, with both hands, smack her right on the nipples!! no climax for her!
Dude, i was nailing this chick really good the oter night, and right before she got to finish, i gave that bitch the ol' tennessee titty tap!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:19:05