

俚语 bingo stamp

bingo stamp

To involuntarily put a spot on your underwear with your feces.
<Walmart customer in check out line> Can you speed it up, I'm about to bingo stamp my underwear?!

Bingo Stamp

To stamp someone in the face with your erect, moist, bell end.

The aim of bingo stamping is to stamp someone five times anywhere on the face with the final stamp being inserted in the mouth, where the bingo stamper shouts BINGO!
James: "Played bingo stamping last night with the missus"

Nathan: "How did it go?"

James: "The girlfriend loves playing bingo stamping, got her twice on each cheek, once on the forehead and then got full bingo in her mouth. It was great!"

Brown Bingo Stamp

Unwanted brown spot found on toilet paper during the ceremonial "courtesy wipe" after taking a shower, usually the result of an improper under carriage scrub down.
I couldn't help but notice your Mother took two showers back to back. She must have found a brown bingo stamp.

brown bingo stamp

Unwanted brown spot found on toilet paper during the ceremonial "courtesy wipe" after taking a shower, usally the result of an improper under carriage scrub down.
I couldn't help but notice Mary took two showers back to back, she probably found a brown bingo stamp.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:52:35