

俚语 titty whiskers

titty whisker

when a large woman grows a thick hair that becomes encrusted within her nippol, resembling a kittens nose.
That granny tit had a gigantic titty whisker! it was the nastiest one i've seen in years!

titty whiskers

a woman or a fat guy who has hair on her/his tits
person1: What did you do yesturday?
person2: Had sex with tammy... i thought she was cute until she lift up her shirt MAN does she every have titty whiskers:|
another example:
person1: HOLY SHIT that guy has real titty whiskers!!!!

Titty Whisker

The whiskers on your titty
Hey your titty whiskers are showing

You are a titty whisker

Titty Whisker

The whiskers on your titty
Hey I can see your titty whiskers




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:45:56