

俚语 tj


A fighter. He stands up for what he believes in. Is one of the strongest guys I know. Has a beautiful girlfriend. Has a wonderful set of friends, but not much of a family. Is, I dare to say, hot. He can lead when he needs to but mostly tends to himself. Smart, funny, sometimes loud, sometimes dead quiet. A friend, a son, a brother, a boyfriend, and a fighter till the end.
We will miss you :'(


A super cool person who is super good at art. One of the sweetest people you could ever meet.
Are you free this weekend?

No, im spending time with T.J


Slang For a Fat Emu (or emo) Person
Person1: Hey david heard u had a thing for Rhonda
David: No shes another T.J


An overall shitty name for an overall shitty person.
“You know T.J?”

“Yeah he’s a dickhead.”


a green headed kid who is kind of a asshole but if you get to know him his really nice
omg T.J what are u doing um hacking you're email okay


An npc with no thoughts of his own. He repeats what everyone else says to look cool and says the most stupid and random stuff all the time.
me: i hate …
T.J: bro fuck them fr….


T.J, or Sunrise if you will, has committed many felonies, He is a child who is always trying to expose his friends at any chance he gets.
T.J just tried to expose me again guys.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 1:37:31