

俚语 binjury


-(noun) An injury discovered the morning after a night of heavy drinking that one has no memory of receiving. Adjective form is "binjured."
When Dallas came to a painful, hazy form of consciousness late Sunday morning, he noticed his legs were missing and exclaimed, "Oh wow, that's one hell of a binjury!"


An injury sustained whilst on a binge.
How did you sprain your ankle?
I'm not sure - must be a binjury from the party last night.


An injury that occurs while binge drinking, but due to the amount of alcohol consumed, doesn't become painful until the morning after.
1 AM...Woman one is drunk, waiting in line for the bathroom and standing with her hand on a door jam she moves to let some one pass and the door slamms on her thumb.

Woman two: OMG!!! You just totally smashed your thumb!!! Are you okay?

Woman one: Wow, amazingly yes!!! I'm okay! Let's go dance!

8 AM Woman wakes up with a giant thumb and can't bend it.

Woman one calls Woman two: Hey, did I smash my thumb last night?

Woman two: Uhh Yeah

Woman one: I think it's broken, I'm going to get it x-rayed

Woman two: Ha, Ha you totally have a binjury!!!


A Binjury is a beer, or beer-related, injury
An example would be blistered elbows from drinking beer seated at wooden tables, such as are found at the Oktoberfest, Munich - as in "I have sustained a binjury which has manifested as blistered elbows" (see belbows)

binjury time

The time of day or night when, after many hours drinking, injury or injurys through falling over, bumping into things or being offensive to someone, is bound to happen.
Should really be spelt "bingery time".
Have to seen that scab on Dave's head? I think it happened in binjury time.




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