

俚语 to billygoat

to billygoat

When a woman goes up to a man and bites his goatee.
To billygoat: Sally saw John across the room. Sally loves facial hair. ALOT. She walked up to john and bit him on the tip of his goatee. "She just billy goated me!" Exclaims John.


When on top of a girl during sex, just before you are about to blow it - you head butt her, pull it out, and let it loose on her face. By the time she comes to her senses you are putting on your pants and out the door...
Mike "So I gave Mary a billygoat last night"
Nate "No way! She must have sent you a pissed off text... well when she came to"
Mike " Ya, I guess it left a pretty good bruise.. she derserves it after the VD she gave me last month"


The ridiculous tuft of hair known as a goatee on guys who want to be taken "seriously". The 2000s version of the "mullet". Taken from the slang "Hillbilly" and "Goatee". Most often seen in conjunction with shaven heads.
"Hey, look at Mr. Badass with the Billygoat and wifebeater shirt! I bet he has a barb-wire tattoo!"


Super awesome, see froody.
That cardigan is totally billygoat.

tug the billygoat

When a guy bends over and you see his nutsack, reach over and tug the billygoat.
A guy bent over in short shorts exposing his nutsack, so I decided to tug the billygoat.

Acting the billygoat

Used to describe a person being an idiot / being incredibly silly and stubborn. Originating from the billy goat itself, because of its outward ridiculous appearance (big horns and a beard... You be the judge) and because of their mating habbits. Two males fighting over a female will run at each other and butt heads to impress the female, which really, is a stupid way to go about it.

Literally: Somebody who goes around and headbutts people.
Rodney is one crazy fucker, who will do anything for a laugh. Always acting the billygoat, that one.

Jane: Oww...
Tom: What's wrong? And what's with the bruise on your forehead?
Jane: Jack. He loves acting the billygoat... Especially in bed.
Tom: Now, that was too much information.

billygoat nipple

When a chick has much hair growing all around the areola of her nipple
I got hairs in my mouth after sucking on her damn billygoat nipples




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